
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Find out more about Rainbee

  • Who is Rainbee?

    Rainbee is a little bee with some extra special powers! He's off on an adventure home, guided by Light. Rainbee quickly learns that, when he's his best-wholesome-self, his rainbow tummy lights up the world! 

  • Where is Rainbee from?

    Rainbee grew up in a magical garden. Everything was perfect until a terrifying storm came along, picking him up and spitting him out - far, far away. Now he's on a mission to get home, but must first traverse the enchanted forest...

  • What/Who is the light?

    The Light that Rainbee encounters in the enchanted forest is whatever or whoever you believe it to be... Is it Rainbee's own inner voice, or a symbol of your family's faith? Why not ask your child?

  • What is Rainbee-Metrics?

    Rainbee-Metrics is an engaging, online tool, designed to help parents motivate, recognize and reward their child over time, and on any given day.

    It focuses on 6 core development areas (and associated colours), namely: Mindful Self-Awareness (RED), Social-Environmental Awareness (ORANGE), Cognitive Development (YELLOW), Physical Development (GREEN), Creative Expression (BLUE), Free Play and Imagination (PURPLE).

    You can learn more about it all here

  • How does it work?

    After submitting a set of (confidential) questions about your child's day, their results - covering 6 core areas of early childhood development - appear as a rainbow, mapped out on our innovative Rainbow-Meter. Together with your child, you can work towards goals and exchange rewards for star shine results! Learn more...

  • What is so special about the questions?

    Open ended questions, patience and follow-up questioning is a valuable tool for understanding children's thoughts and feelings. It is a technique that helps children develop their language skills, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills.

    Additionally, conversational questioning can help parents build stronger relationships with children and create a more supportive learning environment. The questions are simple by design (which itself is complicated) because it is the process that lights the fire!

  • What are other parents saying?

    Even though Rainbee is a relatively new product, it has been in refinement and closed beta release for over a year. As creators and parents, we've seen the benefits with our own two wonderful children. Others have too so take a look at what they are saying

  • What is the cost?

    Rainbee-Metrics is free to try...  And if you like what you see, you'll gain access to Rainbee-Metrics for as little as $20 for an entire year! 

  • Who is behind Rainbee?

    Rainbee is the brain child of Fern Phoenix, a rural forest dweller and children's book author. Bringing Rainbee to market has been a team effort, driven by technology partner, Obami Networks and a global network of designers and content creators.

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